Back to Actions

Updated on Jun 08, 2024


The slimstat_track_pageview action is triggered by the server-side tracker right before a pageview is saved into the database.


do_action( 'slimstat_track_pageview', self::$stat );


$stat: An array containing the following data to be saved:

  • id: Unique identifier for the pageview
  • ip: IP address of the visitor
  • other_ip: Secondary IP address if available
  • username: Username of the visitor, if logged in
  • country: Visitor’s country
  • referer: URL of the referring page
  • resource: URL of the current page
  • searchterms: Search terms used by the visitor
  • plugins: List of active plugins
  • notes: Additional notes
  • visit_id: Unique identifier for the visit
  • server_latency: Server response time
  • page_performance: Performance metrics of the page
  • browser: Visitor’s browser name
  • browser_version: Version of the browser
  • browser_type: Type of browser (e.g., desktop, mobile)
  • platform: Operating system
  • language: Visitor’s language
  • user_agent: Full user agent string
  • resolution: Screen resolution
  • screen_width: Screen width
  • screen_height: Screen height
  • content_type: Type of content viewed
  • category: Content category
  • author: Author of the content
  • content_id: Unique identifier for the content
  • outbound_resource: URL of the outbound resource
  • dt: Date and time of the pageview

This hook allows developers to interact with and modify the pageview data before it is stored.