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Updated on Jun 09, 2024

Adding Custom Reports to WP Slimstat

WP Slimstat allows you to track and analyze traffic on your WordPress site. By following these steps, you can add your own custom reports to Slimstat to better analyze the data relevant to your needs.

Note: These steps apply to Slimstat version 4. If you’re using an earlier version, we recommend upgrading to enjoy the new features in version 4.

Create Your Plugin

  1. Create a folder: Under /wp-content/plugins/, create a new folder named wp-slimstat-custom-report (or any unique name).
  2. Create a PHP file: Inside this folder, create a file named index.php and paste the following code:
Plugin Name: WP SlimStat - My Custom Report
Description: My super duper custom report
Version: 1.0

class wp_slimstat_super_duper_report{

   public static function init(){
      if ( !class_exists( 'wp_slimstat' ) ) {
         return true;

      // Register this report on the Audience screen
      add_filter( 'slimstat_reports_info', array( __CLASS__, 'add_report_info' ) );

      // Add a new option to the Add-ons Settings tab
      add_filter( 'slimstat_options_on_page', array( __CLASS__, 'add_options' ) );

   public static function add_report_info( $_reports_info = array() ) {
      $_reports_info[ 'slim_super_duper' ] = array(
         // Report Title
         'title' => 'Super Duper',

         // Callback that renders the data retrieved from the DB
         'callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'raw_results_to_html' ),

         // Arguments for the callback
         'callback_args' => array(

            // The 'raw' param is the name of the function that retrieves the data from the DB
            // Please note: if you specify this paramenter, Slimstat will attempt to use it 
            // for the Excel generator and Email functionality
            'raw' => array( __CLASS__, 'get_raw_results' )

         // Report layout: normal, wide, full-width, tall
         // You can mix and match class names (normal tall) 
         'classes' => array( 'full-width' ),

         // On what screen should this report appear by default?
         // slimview1: Real-time
         // slimview2: Overview
         // slimview3: Audience
         // slimview4: Site Analysis
         // slimview5: Traffic Sources
         // dashboard: WordPress Dashboard
         'screens' => array( 'slimview3' )

      return $_reports_info;

   // Use this function to append addon-specific settings to the Settings screen
   // Please make sure to use unique keys, so that they don't conflict with existing ones
   public static function add_options( $_settings = array() ) {
      $_settings[ 7 ][ 'rows' ][ 'addon_super_duper_header' ] = array(
         'title' => 'Super Duper',
         'type' => 'section_header'
      $_settings[ 7 ][ 'rows' ][ 'addon_super_duper_switch' ] = array(
         'title' => 'Switch',
         'type' => 'toggle',
         'description' => 'This switch can turn on or off a special behavior in your add-on.'
      $_settings[ 7 ][ 'rows' ][ 'addon_super_duper_text' ] = array(
         'title' => 'Text Field',
         'type' => 'text',
         'description' => 'A text field.'
      $_settings[ 7 ][ 'rows' ][ 'addon_super_duper_textarea' ] = array(
         'title' => 'Text Area',
         'type' => 'textarea',
         'description' => 'A text area.'

      return $_settings;

   public static function get_raw_results( $_report_id = 'p0' ) {
      $sql = "
         SELECT resource, COUNT(*) counthits
         FROM {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix}slim_stats
         WHERE resource <> ''
         GROUP BY resource
         ORDER BY counthits DESC";

      return wp_slimstat_db::get_results( $sql );

   public static function raw_results_to_html( $_args = array() ) {
      // Call the function that retrieves the data from the DB
      // This function should always return the ENTIRE dataset
      $all_results = call_user_func( $_args[ 'raw' ] , $_args );

      if ( empty( $all_results ) ) {
         echo '<p class="nodata">No data to display</p>';
      else {
         // Slice the results to get only what we need
         $results = array_slice(
            wp_slimstat_db::$filters_normalized[ 'misc' ][ 'start_from' ],
            wp_slimstat_db::$filters_normalized[ 'misc' ][ 'limit_results' ]

         // Paginate results, if needed
         wp_slimstat_reports::report_pagination( count($results), count($all_results), false ); 

         // Loop through the resultset
         foreach ( $results as $a_row ) {
            echo "<p>{$a_row[ 'resource' ]} <span>{$a_row[ 'counthits' ]}</span></p>"; 

      // Exit if this function was called through Ajax (refresh button)
      if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; DOING_AJAX ) {
// end of class declaration

// Bootstrap
if ( function_exists( 'add_action' ) ) {
   add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'wp_slimstat_super_duper_report', 'init' ), 10 );

Understand the Code

  • Initialization (init): This function checks if Slimstat is available. If it is, it sets up hooks to register the custom report and add new options.
  • Register Report (add_report_info): This function adds the custom report to Slimstat, specifying details like the report title, the function to retrieve and display data, layout classes, and the screen where the report will appear.
  • Add Options (add_options): This function adds custom settings for the report, such as toggles and text fields, ensuring they have unique keys to avoid conflicts with other settings.
  • Retrieve Data (get_raw_results): This function executes an SQL query to fetch data from the Slimstat database, grouping and counting hits for each resource.
  • Display Data (raw_results_to_html): This function formats and displays the retrieved data. It handles pagination and displays a message if no data is available. It is also designed to handle AJAX requests for data refreshes.

By following these steps and understanding the code, you can create custom reports in Slimstat to better analyze your website’s traffic data.