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Updated on Nov 22, 2023

How do I use all those filters in the dropdown menu?

Here’s a brief description of what they mean. Please remember that you can access the same information directly from within the admin, by ‘pulling’ the Help tab that should appear in the top right-hand corner.

Basic filters:

  • browser: user agent (Firefox, Chrome, …)
  • country code: 2-letter code (us, ru, de, it, …)
  • referring domain: domain name of the referrer page (i.e., if a visitor was coming from Google)
  • ip: visitor’s public IP address
  • search terms: keywords visitors used to find your website on a search engine
  • language code: please refer to the language culture names (first column) for more information
  • operating system: accepts identifiers like win7, win98, macosx, …; please refer to this manual page for more information about these codes
  • permalink: URL accessed on your site
  • referrer: complete URL of the referrer page
  • visitor's name: visitor’s name according to the cookie set by WordPress after leaving a comment

Advanced filters:

  • browser capabilities: plugins or extensions installed by that user (flash, java, silverlight…)
  • browser version: user agent version (9.0, 11, …)
  • browser type: 1 = search engine crawler, 2 = mobile device, 3 = syndication reader, 0 = all others
  • color depth: visitor’s screen’s color depth (8, 16, 24, …)
  • css version: what CSS standard was supported by that browser (1, 2, 3, and other integer values)
  • pageview attributes: this field is set to [pre] if the resource has been accessed through Link Prefetching or similar techniques
  • post author: author associated to that post/page when the resource was accessed
  • post category id: ID of the category/term associated to the resource, when available
  • private ip: visitor’s private IP address, if available
  • resource content type: post, page, cpt:custom-post-type, attachment, singular, post_type_archive, tag, taxonomy, category, date, author, archive, search, feed, home; please refer to the Conditional Tags manual page for more information
  • screen resolution: viewport width and height (1024×768, 800×600, …)
  • visit id: generally used in conjunction with ‘is not empty’, identifies human visitors